Monday, August 13, 2012

Better late than never?

It's never too late to dust off your keyboard, crack your knuckles, bite off that aggravating cuticle that's been bugging you all day, and type up a  To Do List.

1.  Keep the wiener dog out of the cat food bowl...OR DIE TRYING.

2.  Find out how many licks it takes to get to the center of a Tootsie that the world can finally know.

3.  Get on a crowded elevator and speak only in Klingon.

4.  Find that little leprechaun and get after his Lucky Charms.

5.  Outswim Michael Phelps.  Remember to make payments on submarine used for outswimming Michael Phelps.

and just for fun......

6.    Search out whoever decided it would be awesome to put the Kardashians on television...and commit severe bodily harm to them.

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